Friday, July 6, 2012

Future Foodies Friday Tip -- Gardening Excitement

We have been watering our garden throughout this drought and it is working.  The boys love helping plant, water, and pick veggies from our garden. When kids feel like they have some ownership in the growing of the family food, they have pride in the results and want to enjoy them like the rest of the family. At least I believe they are more likely to try them and be excited about trying them.  So try to create some excitement about eating fresh veggies. If you don't have a garden maybe the way to create that excitement is to take your child to the local farmer's market and let them help you pick out some fresh summertime veggies.  Happy Friday!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cucumber Melon Salad

We live in Posey County, Indiana which is known for it's fantastic melons.  We also have lots of cucumbers growing in our garden. So we thought we might use whats fresh and here for a refreshing summer salad. Here is the recipe for the Cucumber Melon Salad that we will be taking to our Independence Day cookout.  Enjoy!

2 Medium Cucumbers
1 Small Cantaloupe

1 Oz Mirin (Japanese Rice Wine)
1 Oz White Balsamic Vinegar
3 Tbs Sugar
Pinch of Salt
Pinch of Garlic Powder
Pinch of Red Pepper Flakes
Fresh Basil Cut Fine

Mix Together Dressing ingredients and pour over diced melon and cucumbers.  Allow to sit for at least an hour before serving.