Saturday, September 22, 2012

Apple Cider Pork with Cabbage

Today's recipe comes with a little story... Last week paps and grandma Kay took our boys to the orchard to pick some apples. Tis the season! They recently rehabbed a family apple press and wanted to make home pressed apple juice with the boys. It is very good stuff but its amazing how many apples it takes to make a gallon of homemade apple juice. We've been drinking the juice, but I've been inspired to use some of the juice in our fridge to cook with as well. So today I made pork braised in apple juice with cabbage and apples.

I'm really happy with how it turned out. Plus both boys liked the apples in it quite a bit. I suggest not getting an apple press and making you're own juice. It's a mess and totally unnecessary. (Did I mention that paps is putting the press on Craigslist this week?) Substitute some fresh apple cider or store bought juice in its place.

Sorry for no picture but we were hungry and ate it all before I could get a picture. ;)  Thats a signs of a good dinner!

1 1/2 pound pork shoulder cut in 1" cubes

2 cups apple juice or cider

1 cup chicken stock

1/2 cup chopped onion

1/2 cup chopped celery

1/2 cup chopped carrots

1 bay leaf

4 cloves garlic

2 medium tart apples chopped into 1" cubes

1/2 head cabbage shredded

4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

Start by browning the pork shoulder in a little vegitable oil for 3-5 minutes until browned then remove from the heat. Sauté the onions, garlic, bay leaf, carrots and celery until softened. (About 5 minutes) . Reincorporate the pork and add the chicken stock and apple cider. Place in a 285 degree oven for 2 hours then add apples, vinegar, and cabbage. Return to the oven for 30-45 minutes until cabbage is soft.

We served it with corn bread muffins and it was excellent.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Monkey Bread for my 2 Lil Monkeys

So Carrie is gone with some friends out of town this weekend for some shopping.  Since its just me and the boys I wanted to spoil them with a special breakfast.  I remember as a kid spending the night at a good friend's house and we made this great monkey bread for the morning after.  We got to help roll the little balls of dough in the sugar and put them in the pan.  I wanted to share that same experience with my boys.  I recently contacted her and asked for the recipe so I could share it.  I've modified it slightly to salt up the caramel a little and smooth it out so its less grainy.  Thanks Debbie Valiant for the help.  The boys loved it!

Monkey Bread
3 cans regular size buttermilk biscuits 1/2c sugar1/2tsp cinnamon

1 1/2 stick margarine, 3/4 c sugar, 3/4 tsp cinnamon, 1/2 tsp salt - all melted together in the microwave

Cut biscuits into quarters (I use kitchen scissors), roll in sugar cinnamon mixture, pile about half into greased & floured bundt pan, pour some of melted mixture over, then pile rest of biscuits in and pour rest of melted mixture over.

350 degrees for 35 min. Let stand 10 min, then invert onto platter.