Thursday, May 24, 2012

What is a Foodie?

Andy and I were asked by a friend to write an article for a local magazine, Evansville Living.  The article was included in their food edition and inspired the creation of this blog.  Here's a link if you are interested.

Since the article has been published we have been asked by others, "What is a foodie?"  It's a very subjective term, so below you will find my best effort at defining the term "foodie".  Check it out, you may find out you are one too!

Wikipedia defines a foodie as an aficionado of food and drink.

Webster defines a foodie as a person with an avid interest in food fads.
Foodies may enjoy cooking, trying different foods, cookbooks, following restaurants openings and closings, following chefs, wine tastings, and current food trends or all of the above.
Foodies are amateurs. They make a hobby out of food. A foodie doesn't just like food, they are interested in it and study it.  Foodies don't have to be interested in only the finest food, they can also be interested in ordinary, everyday food. 

In the style of Jeff Foxworthy, if you......

  • Watch Top Chef and recognize the guest judges 
  • Own more than 5 cookbooks
  • Subscribe to a food or cooking centric magazine
  • Read books about food that are not cookbooks
  • You can match up chefs with their flagship restaurants
  • Your idea of perfect afternoon is cooking dinner 
You might be a foodie!

So are you a foodie?

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