Friday, June 29, 2012

Future Foodie Friday Tip -- Creativity with Food

We recently have had some success getting the boys to try new foods, by giving them creative names or stories. We tried refried beans and the boys were turned off by the appearance and the fact that the beans were mashed. We told them we had to mash them because they were magic jumping beans and otherwise they would jump right off the plate. We also told them if they ate them, they would have super jumping powers. Needless to say they both ate several bites and then jumped around the kitchen the next 10 minutes, swearing they were jumping higher than ever before.

 Last night I made fried zucchini chips and the boys were hesitant, but when I told them they were gold coins from a lost pirate treasure they gobbled them up. Try to get creative with the new foods your kids are hesitant to try in order to spike interest. You never know, they might be more willing to try it and like it.

I'd love to hear what stories or names you give food that helps your little one's eat more variety.

Happy Friday!

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