Friday, June 15, 2012

Future Foodie Friday Tip -- Taste Tests

In an effort to keep our blog up to date, I'm going to try to do a Future Foodie Friday Tip each week.  So here goes.  Our first tip is to let your children taste your dishes as you make them.  We should all cook with our palates, and we should teach our children how to use theirs.  A few weeks ago, I decided that our family was going to give black beans a try.  I looked at a few black bean and corn salad recipes and decided to use those as inspiration and wing it.  (I chose a black bean and corn salad because the boys really like corn and I thought a familiar ingredient might make them more likely to try and like the salad.) Lucas wanted to help, so I let him taste the salad and tell me what he thought it needed.  I think this is a great exercise, because it teaches him to notice the difference after more of an existing ingredient or a new ingredient is added to a dish.  It will help him develop his palate and hopefully make his dishes more successful when he is cooking on his own.  Happy Friday!

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