Friday, June 22, 2012

Future Foodie Friday Tip -- Read about Food

When our sons are anxious or scared of something new, I try to find a book about it, so that the boys can learn about what to expect in order to calm their fears.  I believe the more you know about something the more likely you are to enjoy it.  The same can be said about food, when it comes to getting young children to try new things.  We have several books about food and they are not hard to find.  Most of ours came from the dollar section at Target.  Some of these books discuss the health benefits of certain foods, others talk about where food comes from, and a few are about the fun of cooking with friends and family.  We are supposed to read to our children everyday, so try adding a few books about food to your library and see if it spikes your child's interest in food.  I've listed a few of our favorite "food" books below.  We would love to get comments on how this works for you or your favorite children's books about food.  Happy Friday!!

Super Baby Abigail's Lunch Time Adventure
Cooking with the Cat
Sesame Street's Busy Bakers
Tyler Makes Pancakes
Fruit Salad Day

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