Friday, August 31, 2012

Future Foodie Friday Tip -- Pick Three

I know my boys are happiest when they feel like they have a say in what we do.  I've noticed since we have started school, they are craving more control since they are in a more structured environment more often again.  We have started having pick 3 nights for dinner and the boys always eat great on these days. 

Here's how it works! You know how by the end the of week you have a lot of left overs and partial servings of items?  Get them all out and put them on the counter.  Only get out items that you are ok with your child having for dinner, then ask them to pick three of the items.  We will get out fresh fruit, veggies, left over meat, etc.  The boys get to pick what they want and they feel like they are getting their choice. Now they don't realize Mommy already made the choice when she decided what to put out, but that's my little secret!

Try a pick three night at your house and let me know how your family likes it.

Happy Friday!

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