Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Future Foodie Friday Tip -- Sauce it up!

I'll admit it this is may more of a make myself feel better about not fighting this battle post than strong advice, but there is comfort in numbers right? 

I have a toddler who loves ketchup.  I don't mean likes to have it with his fries kinda of love.  I mean he dips EVERYTHING in ketchup: his spaghetti, fruits, veggies, meats, brownies, bread, EVERYTHING.  Now I know that ketchup no matter what it says on the label is not a healthy choice, but I ask myself what's worse, no broccoli or broccoli with ketchup.  I think no broccoli is worse! If my little guy is getting some unwanted sugar with his broccoli, I still think the fact that he is getting the nutrients of fresh, steamed broccoli is a huge win for us! 

Our other little guy is really into balsamic vinegar and soy sauce with every meal for a dipping sauce.  These options don't have as big of drawbacks, so I don't have as much of a struggle with allowing him to have these dips.  My motto is if your child likes a flavor profile, be it ketchup or vinegar, let them use that comfort as much as they want, especially if it means that they are getting a variety of nutrients from healthy sources.  I'll be that Mom with ketchup and soy sauce pouches in my purse, so when we are out and my child refuses to eat without their "dip" I have an emergency stash!  Bring on the sauces and let your little one's dip away!!

Happy Friday!!

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